Authors Guideline
Authors guideline for manuscript preparation
The article submitted to HARLA Journal is screened by Managing Editor and must conform to the following guidelines in order to progress:
The manuscript shall be written in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). Papers written in poor English will immediately be returned to the authors. For Ethiopia authors submission in local languages are acceptable but the abstract should be written both in English and local language.
Full research paper
The following types of manuscript can be prepared and submitted to the journal as Full Research Papers. It refers all the paper that are original, unpublished primary research which gives complete and detail study and provides new results or interpretation of the subject thorough and systematic evaluation of available evidence and also can be the extensions of work that has been published previously in short form such as a Communication are usually acceptable. In case the submitted manuscript should not exceed 25 pages including tittle, abstract, main body, figures, tables and references.
Review papers:- Review papers must give an updated overview of a field, a comprehensive literature reviews which can provides future perspectives, or tutorial-style reference materials. The length of paper may be longer than Full Research Papers in consultation with Editor's agreement.
Short Communications:- It refers short communication papers that present the original and significant material for rapid dissemination. It focuses on a particular aspect of a problem or a new finding including case comments and reflections that are expected to have a significant impact. The page should not exceed 6 pages including figures, tables and references. Depending on the nature of the disciplines the number of pages maybe exceed this. Book and book chapters
Books and book chapters are accepted for publication in consent with editors as special issue or regular issue. And emay invite for book and book chapters publication in the Harla Journals
The format of manuscript that need to be followed are shown below:
Text Format and layout
- The article should be A4 or letter size, 1.25 cm on the left, 0.75 cm on the right, 0.75 cm bottom side of each paper.
- The title of article is written in Times New Roman letter with bold, font size 14, spacing of 20 before and 8 after
- Author names are in Times New Roman letter with bold, font size 12, spacing of 0 before and 12 after
- Author affiliations written in Times New Roman letter; font size 10; italic and single spacing
- Main headers (numbered as 1, 2 ,3 etc.; abstract will not be numbered) like Abstract, Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results and discussion, conclusion and recommendation/implication, Acknowledgment and Reference are all in Times New Roman with font size of 12 pt with bold; spacing before 12 pt and after 6 pt
- Sub headers (numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc.) in Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results and discussion, conclusion and recommendation/implication are all in regular Times New Roman with font size of 12 pt with spacing of before 6 pt.
- The third level headers are acceptable and numbered as 1.1.1., 1.1.2, 1.1.3, don’t add any spacing before and after; Times New Roman with font size of 12 pt and itlized
- All headers text are align left
- Abstracts paragraph will be written in Times New Roman letter; font size 11; single spacing
- The main body of a paper should be in single column pages, with 12 pt and 1.5 line spacing.
- Text format of reference is Times New Roman style with font size of 10 pt; single spacing
- Figure captions, schemes tittle, chart tittle and Table tittle are all Times New Romans style with font size of 10 pt and single spacing with indentation of 0.5 cm
- The font size of text in table is 10 pt with single spacing
- Use Times New Roman styles and Non-English words are italicized in the text.
- Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.
- For first (initial) submissions, a single file manuscript in either (Word or PDF) with maxium of 25 pages. While full source files for LaTeX submissions are encouraged
- For revised submissions theupload of editable source files (either Word or LaTeX) together with a PDF of the revised (LaTeX) manuscript is strongly recommend .
- For intialprocess a PDF-only submission, but upon acceptance source files are mandatory and providing source files after acceptance may delay production.
- Please ensure that figures embedded in the single manuscript file are placed next to the relevant text in the article.
- Each figure must have a brief (one phrase or sentence) captions that describes its contents.
- The caption should follow the format " 1. Figure caption"
- The figure placed in text as “ 1”
- The title/caption of the figure should be clear and precise
- To add lettering, it is best to use times new roman fonts “(a)” and in text “Fig. 1(a)”
- Keep lettering consistently sized throughout your final manuscript
- The file format of the figure should be .TIF and high quality.
- Figure captions must be placed below the figure; Times New Romans style with font size of 10 pt
- They will be used to represent groups of reactions, interactions, process/relationships that show action.
- Schemes must have a brief titles describing their contents.
- The title should follow the format "Scheme 1. Scheme Title” in the main text Scheme 1.
Schemes tittle is placed below the scheme; Times New Romans style with font size of 10 pt Charts
- Use to represent groups of structures that do not show action.
- Charts may have brief titles describing their contents.
- The title should follow the format "Chart 1. Chart Title" in main text Chart 1.
Chart tittle is placed below the chart; Times New Romans style with font size of 10 pt and 1pt line spacing Tables
- Please ensure that the tables are placed next to the relevant text in the article as “Table 1”
- Use the table function of Microsoft word, not spreadsheets to make tables.
- Each table must have a brief (one phrase or sentence) title that describes its contents.
- The title should follow the format "Table 1. Table Title"
- The title should be understandable
- Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns
- Table tittle is placed above the table; Times New Romans style with font size of 10 pt and 1pt line
Source of the table is placed below the table; it is optional to place source of table based on the nature of discipline.Equations/mathematical model/formula
- Use the equation editor or MathType for equations
- The word style should be "Normal"
- Align the text equation to the right
- Display equations are numbered consecutively using “ eq. 1”
- Please ensure that equations are placed next to the relevant text in the article as “eq. 1”
The structure of the manuscripts should be easy to follow for the readers of the article. Sections should be clearly defined and numbered, with headings on separate lines. Manuscripts for full length research articles should be divided into the following sections (in this order): Title page; Abstract, key words; Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion (separate or combined as deemed), Conclusion and recommendation/implication, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest, References. However, Short Communication and Letter to editors articles main body of the text may not follow the Introduction-Method-Results-Discussion format. The detail of the different article sections preparation guideline is presented in the following section.
Article Title and Subtitle
Here are key requirements for article title and subtitle
- A concise and informative title
- Article titles are set in sentence case but proper nouns should be capitalized
- There is no-end period.
- Avoid the use of abbreviations in a title unless they include the name of a group that is best known by its acronym.
Author Names
- Full Names (Family Name Given Name), ranged left;
- Comma separator needed between different authors
- Do not use “and” or “&” between last two authors.
Author Affiliation
- Affiliations should be linked to author names with superscripted Arabic numerals.
- Times New Roman, Italic letters
- Address: department, institution/university, city/state, email and country.
- The affiliation should be the institution where the work was conducted. If the present address of an author differs from that at which the work was done, indicate with a symbol and give the present address. If more than one address, use symbols to match author names to address
Corresponding author
- Give contact information for the author(s) to whom correspondence should be addressed.
- Short address with email ID would suffice. Street/city names, post/ZIP codes, or PO boxes, phone number are optional to add
- The order of the address details in the correspondence address should be as used in the respective country (refer to Universal Postal Union website).
- Corresponding author is represented with * symbol in the authors list
- The heading should be “Abstract”.
- Only one paragraph with maximum of 250 words is allowed. It should contain objectives, methods and key findings of the study.
- Reference citations are not required in an abstract.
- Abbreviations in the abstract text are allowed if they are defined on their first occurrence.
- Non-research articles such as editorials commentaries do not have abstracts
- Brief reports/short communications may exclude abstracts at the decision of the journal editor.
- Graphical Abstract: it is optional to add graphical abstracts. We encourage authors to add graphical abstracts to make their work more visible.
- Heading: Keywords in sentence case and bold and followed bysemi colon (:)
- Placement: below the Abstract in the abstract box.
- Maximum of six keywords/phrases placed in alphabetical order; separated by commas; with no end period are allowed
- Articles without abstract will not need keyword
Main Body
Manuscripts describing original research will typically include the following sections:Introduction
It must present a concise up-to-date background and current status of the research area to provide general information with enough contexts to understand the research being presented and its significance as well as providing a clear statement of the research question or any hypotheses or objective being explored.
Methods and materials
- Materials, equipment, techniques, designs and procedures used in the research
- It should be described in sufficient detail for another researcher to reproduce the work reported.
- Methods that are identical to the already published works should still be summarized in brief and included with a citation to the original work.
Result and discussions
- In submissions that have a significant theoretical or mathematical component, a description of the analytical procedures may be required.
- Results: a description of the analyses and measurements related to answering the central research questions.
- Discussion: the interpretation of the results, considering their significance and putting them into a wider context through comparison to previously published research.
- Depending on the nature of manuscript both separate and combined Results and Discussion are acceptable.
Conclusion and recommendation/implication
It presents a concise statement of the main findings drawn from the research reported in the manuscript and also point out the future research needs or research implication. Acknowledgment
- A list of people, organizations, institutions etc. who contributed to the work in the manuscript but who are not named in the author list may be acknowledged \
- Funding sources that supported the research presented if required. The names of funding organizations should be written as ”Name of granter (Grant No. xxxxx)” Eg. National Science Foundation (Grant No xxxxxxxx).
Conflict of interest
- Statement that declares all relationships or interests of the manuscript’s authors that could potentially influence or bias the submitted work.
- For email-based submission: if there is no conflict of interest the author has to declare as there is no conflicts; the authors must include a statement stating “There is no conflict of interest” or sign and send scanned copy of conflict of interest form (Appendix xxxx). For manuscript submitted through HARLA journal online submission system the author should agree on the system as there is no conflict of interest and is optional forthe manuscript submitted online.
For Manuscripts that is submitted through email and do not encoroporate a conflict of interest statement or sign and send scanned copy of conflict of interest form will be returned to the authors for amendment before any editorial consideration.Electronic Supplementary Materials
- If your article contains any videos or other supplementary materials, these should be included in your initial submission for peer review purposes.
Please upload/attach supplementary materials as separate files. Note that they will be available in the online version only.
Citation: It is mandatory that the citation of every reference in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Please the reference format provided here