Photoionization Model for Non-Uniform Slow Novae Shells


  • Belay Sitotaw Goshu Department of Physics, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Dire Dawa University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia



Abundances, Non-uniform, Novae, photoionization, shells, temperature


This work aimed to model the properties of a photoionization model and a heterogeneous slow nova shell. I used the "hazy" photoionization algorithm to simulate the flow of the line. Throughout the period, I ran the model with the most abundant elements (H, He, C, N, O, and Ne) having fixed and increasing abundance values. This model can constrain some of the nova region's physical properties, including density, temperature, and ionization structure. The primary driver of temperature variations in the nova envelope, Hii, in novae shells, is chemical heterogeneity. The C, N, O, and Ne frequencies were -1.824, -1.523, -1.398, and -3.000. The low temperature it produces, 840 K, is somewhat warmer than the temperature of an electron. The ionization structure of the electron temperature increases to 0.04 pc from the inner shell and then gradually decreases to 0.08 pc. O+3 can also be ionized if the oxygen ionization in the internal boundary area between Hii and He ii is sharp. Forbidden lines are those ions that fall outside of this range. The most common are [O II] and [O III]. The majority of the line fluxes seen in the spectra may be plausibly explained by the model when comparing the observed and predicted line intensities.




How to Cite

Sitotaw Goshu, B. Photoionization Model for Non-Uniform Slow Novae Shells. Harla J. Appl. Sci. Mater. 2023, 2, 78-93.


